Wednesday, March 25, 2009


We are now crossing the border of Nevada.And there is a lot of hills.We have been going up and down up and down.Then i started to get motion sick and i needed to stop and get something.And as we stopped we got some gas.We spent a total of two dollars an twenty five cents.Then we got back on the rode and i took the medicine.And we shall a sign that said we are two hours away from are hotel.Then we arrived at Carson city,Nevada.Then the first thing we did was that we went skydiving and wow we were really scared because it was like 60 ft high and it was the highest place i ever got on.Then the next thing we did was we played golf to win a little trophie.Well at least a little trophie we dont have to get a big trophie.We had alot of fun playing golf cause its a good sport to play with friends and have fun.Theres no other sport that we can play with friends and have fun.Then we are going to eat at a resturant with all of us.The resturant is called carl's jr resturant.Then the last thing that we are going to do is we are going to go to the hotel and the girls are going to go fresh up at the pool and Jordan is going to the ot tub or hes just going to do something for like 30 minutes but we are staying in the pool for 40 minutes we girls should have fun and talk about our trip.Well thats all we did our trip.

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