Tuesday, May 12, 2009

hawii 1st stop

we are here for are first stop in Hawaii.Are hotel is Aqua wiki Wave.For a total of all of us as a total, it was 1.584$.We felt like we were home. And to me that hotel was well worth of the money. because we had well don made beds, and the room had this nice sent! and the first thing i thought when i first walked in was home sweet home.And so did jaqueline when she walked in. When we findaly unpacked are stuff, we went to bed.I was so exhosted that the first thing that i went to my room, i passed out. when it was time to wake up, i realized that i overslept and that to wake me up, i needed to take a warm hot shower.And when i got out i was wied awake. And then i had to wake up the girles, because they were still asleep. I think we all over slept because it was sutch a long to get hear.When ever i woke them up i looked out side and it was so suny and hot. i turned on the news and it was a hundred and one degree's outside. So i figured we shood go to the beach. at the beach a lot of kids were out going swimming.On the beach there was some big waves out. So angelica went to go buy all of us a surfboard. And when she got back she said that thew total was four dollares and fifty since.when we got out there in the ocean, we got are surfboard and tried to surf, afortionetly we wasn't successfully with it. When i looked over to see jaquiline she could barley get on her surf board, angelica would fall every time she got on it, and saria was surfing a little bit, i thing she was the best surfer out of all of us. but then i thought we should go deeper and then the waves would get bigger. and to me that was a lot more funner because we all got on the surf board on are stymies,and the waves took us for a ride to the shore.when we got done surfing, we were all hungry and tired, so we all disited to get something to eat, And as we went to go get something to eat, And on the way to the car i sall a shark toeth and angelica found a giant sea shell. And it looked like a ranbow. it had all these different colores.And with my shark tooth i made a necklace.and it looked cool.so then we findaly got to the car and mey feet was burning, so before we went and got something to eat, i went to the store and got me a pare of flipflopps.And the total was two dollers.and then my feet felt better.so then the girles piked me up and we went to go and eat at something different, so we went to the japeneese resturants.And when we went into the resturants and you cane tell that the resturant was a chineese resturant.And i sall angelica get the chicin fried rice. And i sounded pritty good so that is what i got.and i poot some soiy salse on it.And it was good and it hite the spote for all of us. And we all wanted to go back to the hotel and just relaxe. So we did and when we got there my legs were so tired and i lade in my bed and turned on the tv and it felt good. A the only thing els that happened was me passing out, To me that was the fastest time that fled asleep.as i was waking up i got a lap top and looked up something to do, and i found a place that you can go and watch a dolphin show.And it only costed as a total for all of us,330$ dolares.and it was only five miles away from are hotel.So i went and woke up the girls ad we went and all took a shower and we were on are way to go and watch dolphins.so when we got there i could actualy here the dophins from the parking lot and the croud shouting. and that made me even more excited. And when we got up to the front counter,we gave the man money and went in, When i first walked in i sall a dophin doing a back flip.And it was so alsome, i thought that we are going to have the fun of are lifes.And When we findaly found are seets because that lace was packed.But i thought that it was a worth a drive because those dolphins were goin crazy.and then the anouncer anouced that the grand fanaly was here and i was so excited,Jaquiline was up screeming her head off and Saria was doing the same thing.And angelica cept on blowing her air horn and i though that my ear drum was busted.And then i sall twenty dolphins jumped in the air at the same time and a whole bunch of dolphins were doing triks.To me that was the best grand fanaly i had ever seen.But then enforchantinaly the show was over and we had to go home.But we figured we shouldent go home yet because it was still daylite,and it was only two oclockSo i thought we should do something else fun.And then we passed Something called North Shore Shark Edventure.And to me that looked fun because my dad went there and old me all about that before and it sounded like fun. So we went there. And when you go through a gate you can se like this big castle. And it also had a lot of pictures of sharks. And when we gt up to the desk we found out that the cost was 500$ and i was ike wo,the price shure has comed up sense my dad came. So i was like i gess we well take it because i herd this was realy fun.so when we gt on we went in the ocean and it was so cool and you could se like a pool full of sharks.and there was about ten sharks in that pool.and angelica was like freeked out because they cept on hitting te skreen that bloks the ocean from us. And to me that was cool and for the girls, it was scary.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


We are here in Arizona.We are checking out in the hotel called crowned plaza hotel.With all of us together,it casted 280 dollars.It is very nice and i like the smell in are room.And the good thing is that the hotel room has 4 rooms.I thought that this room is worth the money we are spending.And i also thought that the place was very relaxing.It took us a wile to get hear and we are all exhausted.So we all headed for some shuteye.when i woke up i felt like getting a little bit of food.So we all distend to go to donavens.It costed us 200 dollars.I had the chicken fried stake buffaye. And mmmm how that was so good.after that we went to a water pack and it was big i mean big .it was full but where was a lot of people .so we went back to the hotel and we were wet .Then it was the next day and went to a hot air balloon and went around the great canyons and monuments . it was a good adventure then to the mall . AND THAT ARE TRIP !!!!!!!!! BYE

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


We are now crossing the border of Nevada.And there is a lot of hills.We have been going up and down up and down.Then i started to get motion sick and i needed to stop and get something.And as we stopped we got some gas.We spent a total of two dollars an twenty five cents.Then we got back on the rode and i took the medicine.And we shall a sign that said we are two hours away from are hotel.Then we arrived at Carson city,Nevada.Then the first thing we did was that we went skydiving and wow we were really scared because it was like 60 ft high and it was the highest place i ever got on.Then the next thing we did was we played golf to win a little trophie.Well at least a little trophie we dont have to get a big trophie.We had alot of fun playing golf cause its a good sport to play with friends and have fun.Theres no other sport that we can play with friends and have fun.Then we are going to eat at a resturant with all of us.The resturant is called carl's jr resturant.Then the last thing that we are going to do is we are going to go to the hotel and the girls are going to go fresh up at the pool and Jordan is going to the ot tub or hes just going to do something for like 30 minutes but we are staying in the pool for 40 minutes we girls should have fun and talk about our trip.Well thats all we did our trip.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

OUR STOP Los Angels califorina

We arrived in Los Angels, it is really hot and beautiful.We enter our hotels.It cost ed us 200$ fort our rooms.But it was worth it. It was awesome and our beds were comfortable.Now we are going to get ready to go to the pool to fresh up then after we will go to the Noe resturant.It was beautiful inside.And they also had good food.I thought that was the greatest food i had ever tasted. when we got back to the hotel,i went to my hotel room and passed out in my bed. When i woke up,i noked on the girls room and they were watching a movie. So i went to the down stairs hot tub. It felt so good i thought i was going to stay their all day. After that,it was getting dark.So i went to my room to go to bed.When we woke up,we all agreed to go to the university of Las Vagus. It was so cool that i yelled like a girl when i saw the inside of it. The inside was so beautiful that i almost passed out. But i kept my cool. Soon we had to go and be on are way to head to go to this new wale watching mueseum that you can see wales and take rides on it.when we got their,it was like a castle with a big lake surrounding it.And Angelica thought there would be only fishes in the lake.So she asked the person at the castles front counter.The man said once you enter you will find out.So we got in and so there was wales in the lake that Angelica wanted to know about.The first wale that we sall,we got to pet it.I was all dry intil Jacqueline pooshed me into the pool with a dolphin and i was all wet again.After were don we went back to the hotel.It was are last day in LA and we wanted to injoy are hotels.When we arived we were all hungry and we agreed to order food from the hotel.we ate chicen with mashpatatoes and rise.It was good and we were all stuffed.then we all was tired and went to bed.Today we are all pumped and are ready to do something exciting and fun.So for breckfast we ordered room serves.We ordered some scrambled eggs,bakon,and tost.it costed us five dollars and thirteen cens.Then when we had something to hold us over entile dinner we were off to Randing water park.It was about a thirdy minute drive to get there.now we have arrived and we had to wate in line to get to the front counter.we are at the counter and it costed us a hundred and forty three dollars to get in.when we get in all i see is the bigest water slide in the u.s.a.An i want to go on it.the girls said no way dood im not going on that.so i get in line and when i arrive to the top i look down and i am about fifty feet in the air.I didnt want to do it intile some guy bumped into me and pooshed me down the slide.And i edmit,when i was going down that slide i screamed like a girl.So to cool dwn i went on the lazy pool wile the girls were going down othe water slides.And after the girls wre done from riding rides we all went to get somthing to eat.Are gas tank was almost empty and we needed some gas.We wre finished getting gas and it costed two dolars for gas.When we got back to the hotel we were so lazy that we ordered pizza. Now we are going to are  other city , carson city , Nevada and thats all we did in las angels california . 

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Trip Around America

Are first stop will be at Honolulu.And then are secent stop is going to be at LA California.And then we will be heading to Pheonix arizona.Then to Denver Colorado.